As a community quarterback, we partner with best-in-class agencies to provide access to quality programs and services. Through our partnership with Inlivian, we help deliver RenWest residents the opportunity to participate in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS) to help residents achieve social and economic independence. One resident, Nashala, decided to join the program and strive toward self-sufficiency.

In the beginning, Nashala was uncertain about the program’s expectations and how it would positively contribute to her life. After several meetings with her Case Manager, she realized she wanted to attain more for herself and her family and that her part-time job would not suffice. Her next steps were to explore roles that would provide a higher income and job satisfaction. Her case manager referred to multiple job search programs and successfully connected her with Mecklenburg County. After securing invitations to enroll in training courses with diverse networks, she chose to learn and work with SocialServe as a Housing Specialist.

Nashala completed her training program and received a promotion to full-time status with SocialServe, ultimately obtaining the new position, Senior Housing Navigator. Through her work with the nonprofit, she has acquired significant benefits within a short timeframe and specific credentials applicable to any occupation in the future. Today, she maintains consistent contact with her Case Manager and reports progress in Home Ownership engagement and building her credit. Nashala’s on track to becoming a homeowner and carries on with confidence and trust in her ability to excel.

Nashala’s success story signals the extraordinary impact cultivated in Renaissance West and the outcome of collaborative leaders working effectively to end intergenerational poverty and improve economic mobility.

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